When i wake up in the morning

When i wake up in the morning
When I wake up in the morning

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Kapa Haka for 2016

Hello and welcome back today I'm going to talk about Kappa Hakka for 2016. First off for Kappa Hakka I'm one of four leaders In the Kappa Hakka and I help teach other year 7 and 8's how to do the actions right.
What I find easy in Kapa Haka is how easy the actions are and how easy they are to learn.
What I find hard is remembering the actions's I can teach the year 7 and 8's.
Well that's all for today folks talk to you next time.


  1. And i can teach you the actions for the toi a mai haka. good post

  2. The 8 fact is amazing

  3. The 8 fact is amazing
